onsdag den 12. januar 2011

Off Guard by Douglas

Off Guard – Summary
Off Guard is about a boy named Geoff , he loves to surf and is saving up for an board while he working at Mrs.Thomsen who is a old lady. The summer has just started and he’s going to surf a lot already had a good day till a day were a big shark approach him. He servived with a few bruises and nasty scratched on his hand. he’s friend helped him at the beach afterward they started collecing money for him to an new board after all this he would go out in the water again , cause he coulnd’t imagine a life without surfing.
Ten words disctionary ( a bit lesser )
Frantic = Ude af sig selv , rasende og vild
Constitutionals = forfatningsmæssigt og grundlovs-
Glare = Blændende Lys og Vredt blik
Anxious = Ængstelig og urolig
Battered = Beskadiget , ramponeret , mishandlet og voldsramt.
Crest = (På bølge/bakke) Top
Bod =
Odd = Mærkelig, overskydende og umage
Describing Geoff with five words: